Hello lover of all things Tek! Here you can find a summary of all of the useful links and downloads related to the topics on this site.
Linux Resources
- Detailed guide on installing Home Assistant on Ubuntu.
Raspberry Pi Resources
- Detailed guide on installing Raspbian using Etcher and any OS.
- Official download page for Raspbian.
- Official download page for BalenaEtcher.
- Detailed guide on how to Flash Tasmota to ESP devices with a wired connection to Raspberry Pi.
Smart Home Resources
- The complete Tasmota Documentation.
- Complete list of Tasmota commands.
- Download and documentation for esptool.
- Detailed guide on how to Flash Tasmota to ESP devices with a wired connection to Raspberry Pi.
- Detailed guide on how to flash Tuya devices with Tasmota over the air, without soldering.
- Detailed guide on how to flash the Wemos D1 Mini.
- Blackadder Tasmota templates repository.
- How to use the Tasmotizer complete guide.
Electronics Resources
- A superb free online circuit simulator.
Other Resources
- Make your own avatar with Bitmoji!