
Hello lover of all things Tek! Here you can find a summary of all of the useful links and downloads related to the topics on this site.

Linux Resources

  1. Detailed guide on installing Home Assistant on Ubuntu.

Raspberry Pi Resources

  1. Detailed guide on installing Raspbian using Etcher and any OS.
  2. Official download page for Raspbian.
  3. Official download page for BalenaEtcher.
  4. Detailed guide on how to Flash Tasmota to ESP devices with a wired connection to Raspberry Pi.

Smart Home Resources

  1. The complete Tasmota Documentation.
  2. Complete list of Tasmota commands.
  3. Download and documentation for esptool.
  4. Detailed guide on how to Flash Tasmota to ESP devices with a wired connection to Raspberry Pi.
  5. Detailed guide on how to flash Tuya devices with Tasmota over the air, without soldering.
  6. Detailed guide on how to flash the Wemos D1 Mini.
  7. Blackadder Tasmota templates repository.
  8. How to use the Tasmotizer complete guide.

Electronics Resources

  1. A superb free online circuit simulator.

Other Resources

  1. Make your own avatar with Bitmoji!

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