In this post we will take a look at the 10 most popular Home Assistant blueprints as chosen by the Home Assistant community!
Blueprints were introduced to Home Assistant at the dawn of 2021 in order to make things easier… Awesome!
In essence, blueprints are templates for automation. It is possible for individuals to develop intricate automations that they have tested and used individually before sharing them with the community.
Here are the 10 best and most popular blueprints from the community! If you are new to blueprints, have a quick read here.
- Low Battery Level Detection & Notification for All Battery Sensors
- Wake Up Light Alarm With Sunrise Effect
- Send Camera Snapshot Notification on Motion
- Turn on Light, Switch, Scene, Script or Group Based on Motion and Illuminance
- Notify or Do Something When an Appliance Finishes
- Ikea Five Button Remote for Lights
- Cast and Re-Cast a Lovelace View to a Google Hub
- Frigate Mobile App Notifications
- Create Automated Backups Every Day
- Vacation Lighting – Replay Historical Lighting
How Do I Use Home Assistant Blueprints?
In order to use a blueprint you first need to import it into Home Assistant. Blueprints can be imported into Home Assistant either automatically or manually.
Automatically Add a Blueprint to Home Assistant
You can add blueprints automatically by clicking the following button:
Manually Add a Blueprint to Home Assistant
You can also manually import a Blueprint to Home Assistant by completing the following steps:
- Go to the blueprint topic that you want to import.
- From the browser’s address bar, copy the URL.
- Click the “Import Blueprint” button in the bottom right corner of the screen after going to Home Assistant Configuration Automations & Scenes Blueprints.
- Click “Preview Blueprint” after pasting the blueprint topic URL.
- Press the “Import Blueprint” button.
1. Low Battery Level Detection & Notification for All Battery Sensors
This is an alternative version of the use case for low battery level detection. This blueprint regularly tests all battery sensors and executes a certain action if the threshold is crossed.
This blueprint analyzes all sensors with the attribute device class set to “battery” for either reaching a threshold or being “on” (low-battery binary sensors with class “battery”) rather than manually listing one or more sensors.
This implies that anytime a sensor entity with device class battery is added to Home Assistant, the sensor entity is immediately taken into account in the subsequent check.
Github Gist:
Guide / Community Discussion:
blueprint: name: Low battery level detection & notification for all battery sensors description: Regularly test all sensors with 'battery' device-class for crossing a certain battery level threshold and if so execute an action. domain: automation input: threshold: name: Battery warning level threshold description: Battery sensors below threshold are assumed to be low-battery (as well as binary battery sensors with value 'on'). default: 20 selector: number: min: 5.0 max: 100.0 unit_of_measurement: '%' mode: slider step: 5.0 time: name: Time to test on description: Test is run at configured time default: '10:00:00' selector: time: {} day: name: Weekday to test on description: 'Test is run at configured time either everyday (0) or on a given weekday (1: Monday ... 7: Sunday)' default: 0 selector: number: min: 0.0 max: 7.0 mode: slider step: 1.0 exclude: name: Excluded Sensors description: Battery sensors (e.g. smartphone) to exclude from detection. Only entities are supported, devices must be expanded! default: {entity_id: []} selector: target: entity: device_class: battery actions: name: Actions description: Notifications or similar to be run. {{sensors}} is replaced with the names of sensors being low on battery. selector: action: {} source_url: variables: day: !input 'day' threshold: !input 'threshold' exclude: !input 'exclude' sensors: >- {% set result = namespace(sensors=[]) %} {% for state in states.sensor | selectattr('attributes.device_class', '==', 'battery') %} {% if 0 <= state.state | int(-1) < threshold | int and not state.entity_id in exclude.entity_id %} {% set result.sensors = result.sensors + [ ~ ' (' ~ state.state ~ ' %)'] %} {% endif %} {% endfor %} {% for state in states.binary_sensor | selectattr('attributes.device_class', '==', 'battery') | selectattr('state', '==', 'on') %} {% if not state.entity_id in exclude.entity_id %} {% set result.sensors = result.sensors + [] %} {% endif %} {% endfor %} {{result.sensors|join(', ')}} trigger: - platform: time at: !input 'time' condition: - condition: template value_template: '{{ sensors != '''' and (day | int == 0 or day | int == now().isoweekday()) }}' action: - choose: [] default: !input 'actions' mode: single
2. Wake Up Light Alarm With Sunrise Effect
This is a design for an alarm clock that doubles as a wake-up light, which can be dimmed and its color temperature adjusted.
It either uses an existing timestamp source (such the _next alarm sensor from the Android companion app) or a manual input to determine the alarm time.
A configurable number of minutes before to the alarm time, a dim, warm-colored light will gradually change to the fullest brightness and coldest light temperature supported by the lamp at the alarm time, creating the appearance of the sunrise.
Simply shutting off the light during the automation run will stop the morning effect. At the beginning of sunrise, user-defined operations can be carried out.
Github Gist:
Guide / Community Discussion:
blueprint: name: Wake-up light alarm with sunrise effect description: 'A wake-up light alarm with a brightness and color temperature sunrise effect. Note: Requires date_time_iso sensor in configuration, not manually executable!' domain: automation input: light_entity: name: Wake-up light entity description: The light to control. Turning it off during the sunrise will keep it off. Color temperature range is auto-detected. selector: entity: domain: light timestamp_sensor: name: Alarm timestamp sensor description: 'Sensor with timestamp of next alarm with device_class: timestamp (set to ''none'' for manual alarm time)' default: none selector: entity: device_class: timestamp manual_time: name: Manual alarm time description: Time to trigger alarm every day if timestamp sensor is not set. Settings at or shortly after midnight will not work as expected! default: '7:00:00' selector: time: {} check_entity: name: Additional entity to check before sunrise is triggered description: If set, checks if entity is 'on' or 'home' before triggering. Use e.g. a (workday) sensor, device_tracker or person entity. default: none selector: entity: {} sunrise_duration: name: Sunrise duration description: The sunrise will start the configured number of minutes before the timestamp. default: 25 selector: number: min: 5.0 max: 60.0 step: 5.0 unit_of_measurement: min mode: slider start_brightness: name: Minimum brightness description: The brightness to start with. Some lights ignore very low values and may turn on with full brightness instead! default: 1 selector: number: min: 1.0 max: 255.0 step: 1.0 mode: slider end_brightness: name: Maximum brightness description: The brightness will be transitioned from the minimum to the configured value. default: 254 selector: number: min: 5.0 max: 255.0 step: 1.0 mode: slider min_mired: name: Minimum color temperature description: 'The minimum color temperature to use. (0: lowest supported)' default: 0 selector: number: min: 0.0 max: 500.0 step: 5.0 mode: slider unit_of_measurement: mired pre_sunrise_actions: name: Pre-sunrise actions description: Optional actions to run before sunrise starts. default: [] selector: action: {} post_sunrise_actions: name: Post-sunrise actions description: Optional actions to run after sunrise ends (around the alarm time). default: [] selector: action: {} source_url: variables: light_entity: !input 'light_entity' sensor: !input 'timestamp_sensor' sunrise_duration: !input 'sunrise_duration' start_brightness: !input 'start_brightness' end_brightness: !input 'end_brightness' range_brightness: '{{float(end_brightness)-float(start_brightness)}}' manual_time: !input 'manual_time' seconds: '{{float(sunrise_duration) * 60}}' min_mired: !input 'min_mired' start_mired: '{{state_attr(light_entity, ''max_mireds'')}}' end_mired: '{{[state_attr(light_entity, ''min_mireds'')|int(0), min_mired|int(0)]|max}}' tick_time: '{{float(seconds) / float(range_brightness)}}' check_entity: !input 'check_entity' trigger: - platform: time_pattern minutes: '*' condition: [] action: - wait_template: '{{sensor == ''none'' or as_timestamp(states(sensor), None) != None}}' - wait_template: '{{0 < as_timestamp(states(sensor) if sensor != ''none'' else states('''') ~ '' '' ~ manual_time) - as_timestamp(states(''sensor.date_time_iso'')) <= float(seconds) and states(check_entity) in [''unknown'', ''on'', ''home'']}}' - choose: [] default: !input 'pre_sunrise_actions' - condition: template value_template: '{{sensor == ''none'' or as_timestamp(states(sensor), None) != None}}' - condition: template value_template: '{{0 < as_timestamp(states(sensor) if sensor != ''none'' else states('''') ~ '' '' ~ manual_time) - as_timestamp(now()) <= float(seconds) and states(check_entity) in [''unknown'', ''on'', ''home'']}}' - choose: - conditions: - '{{state_attr(light_entity, ''min_mireds'') != None}}' sequence: - service: light.turn_on data: brightness: '{{start_brightness}}' color_temp: '{{start_mired}}' entity_id: !input 'light_entity' default: - service: light.turn_on data: brightness: '{{start_brightness}}' entity_id: !input 'light_entity' - repeat: while: - '{{sensor == ''none'' or as_timestamp(states(sensor), None) != None}}' - '{{0 < as_timestamp(states(sensor) if sensor != ''none'' else states('''') ~ '' '' ~ manual_time) - as_timestamp(now()) <= float(seconds)}}' sequence: - delay: '{{tick_time}}' - choose: - conditions: - '{{0 < state_attr(light_entity, ''brightness'') | int(0) < end_brightness | int}}' - '{{sensor == ''none'' or as_timestamp(states(sensor), None) != None}}' - '{{0 < as_timestamp(states(sensor) if sensor != ''none'' else states('''') ~ '' '' ~ manual_time) - as_timestamp(now()) <= float(seconds)}}' sequence: - choose: - conditions: - '{{state_attr(light_entity, ''min_mireds'') != None}}' sequence: - service: light.turn_on data: brightness: '{{(float(end_brightness) - (float(range_brightness) * (as_timestamp(states(sensor) if sensor != ''none'' else states('''') ~ '' '' ~ manual_time) - as_timestamp(now())) / float(seconds))) | int(0)}}' color_temp: '{{(float(end_mired) + (float(start_mired) - float(end_mired)) * ((as_timestamp(states(sensor) if sensor != ''none'' else states('''') ~ '' '' ~ manual_time) - as_timestamp(now())) / float(seconds))) | int(0)}}' entity_id: !input 'light_entity' default: - service: light.turn_on data: brightness: '{{(float(end_brightness) - (float(range_brightness) * (as_timestamp(states(sensor) if sensor != ''none'' else states('''') ~ '' '' ~ manual_time) - as_timestamp(now())) / float(seconds))) | int(0)}}' entity_id: !input 'light_entity' - choose: [] default: !input 'post_sunrise_actions' mode: single max_exceeded: silent
3. Send Camera Snapshot Notification on Motion
When motion is detected, this blueprint will send a photo taken by a camera to your phone.
Note that this requires the official Home Assistant app and Home Assistant Core 2021.3.
Guide / Community Discussion:
blueprint: name: Send a camera snapshot when motion is detected description: > This automation blueprint creates a camera snapshot if motion is detected and sends a notification to your phone with the picture. domain: automation input: motion_sensor: name: Motion sensor description: The sensor wich triggers the snapshot creation selector: entity: domain: binary_sensor device_class: motion camera: name: Camera description: The camera which creates the snapshot selector: entity: domain: camera notify_device: name: Device to notify description: Device needs to run the official Home Assistant app to receive notifications selector: device: integration: mobile_app is_ios: name: Is it an iOS device? description: Toggle if your selected device runs iOS, default is Android selector: boolean: default: false notification_title: name: Notification title (Optional) description: 'Default: "Motion detected!"' default: "Motion detected!" notification_message: name: Notification message (Optional) description: 'Default: "{{ motion_sensor_name }} detected movement!"' default: "{{ motion_sensor_name }} detected movement!" delay: name: Delay (Optional) description: Wait before creating camera snapshot default: "" selector: number: min: 0 max: 60 unit_of_measurement: seconds mode: slider trigger: platform: state entity_id: !input motion_sensor from: "off" to: "on" variables: motion_sensor: !input motion_sensor motion_sensor_name: "{{ states[motion_sensor].name }}" camera: !input camera notify_device: !input notify_device is_ios: !input is_ios notification_title: !input notification_title notification_message: !input notification_message delay: !input delay snapshot_create_file_path: "/config/www/tmp/snapshot_{{ states[camera].object_id }}.jpg" snapshot_access_file_path: "{{ snapshot_create_file_path | replace('/config/www','/local') }}" action: - delay: "{{ delay }}" - service: camera.snapshot entity_id: !input camera data: filename: "{{ snapshot_create_file_path }}" - device_id: !input notify_device domain: mobile_app type: notify title: "{{ notification_title }}" message: "{{ notification_message }}" data: > {% set android_data = {"image": "%s"} | format(snapshot_access_file_path) %} {% set ios_data = {"attachment": {"url": "%s", "content_type": "JPEG"}} | format(snapshot_access_file_path) %} {{ ios_data if is_ios else android_data }}
4. Turn on Light, Switch, Scene, Script or Group Based on Motion and Illuminance
On the basis of motion detection and (optionally) low illumination level, turn on a light, switch, scene, or script.
Additionally, you can specify a blocker entity and time constraints for the automation. You can choose to have the entity turn off if no motion is detected for a predetermined period of time.
In order to dynamically adjust limits for some of the (optional) input values in this design, you will need to develop your own helper entities. Hardcoded limits cannot be established for these inputs.
Another option is to define a blocking entity, which prevents automation from occurring when its state is enabled. For instance, this can mean that sleep mode is enabled.
To restrict the amount of time before and after the automation should trigger, time limitations can also be provided.
The automation should not activate outside of these bounds.
The automation will skip these criteria if the optional entities are not configured.
Optional entities:
- Illuminance sensor (sensor)
- Illuminance cutoff value (input_number)
- Blocking entity (any entity with state on/off)
- Time limit before (input_datetime)
- Time limit after (input_datetime)
- Wait time (input_number) [IN MINUTES!]
YAML definition of optional entities:
input_number: illumination_bedroom_low_cutoff: name: 'Illumination bedroom low cutoff value' min: 1 max: 100 step: 1 bedroom_no_motion_turn_off_delay: name: 'Time in minutes automation waits to turn off bedroom lights after no motion' min: 1 max: 120 input_boolean: sleepmode: name: 'Sleepmode' input_datetime: bedroom_lights_turn_on_before_limit: name: 'Bedroom lights no longer turn on before this time' has_date: false has_time: true bedroom_lights_turn_on_after_limit: name: 'Bedroom lights no longer turn on after this time' has_date: false has_time: true
Github Gist:
Guide / Community Discussion:
blueprint: name: Turn on light, switch, scene, script or group based on motion and illuminance. description: > Turn on a light, switch, scene, script or group based on motion detection, and low light level. This blueprint uses helper entities you have to create yourself for some input values, to be able to dynamically set limits. For instructions on creating the helper entities take a look in the Home Assistant Community forum topic: Required entities: - Motion sensor (single sensor or group) - Target entity (light, switch, scene or script) Optional features: - You can set a cutoff entity of which the value determines whether the illuminance level is low and the automation needs to trigger. - You can define a blocking entity, which blocks the automation from running when this entity's state is on. - You van define a turn-off blocking entity, which blocks the entity from turning off after the set delay. - Time limits can also be defined to limit the time before and after the automation should trigger. - If you want the entity to turn off after a certain amount of minutes, you can use the Wait Time input. - If you want another entity than the target_entity to turn off after the delay, you can define a separate Turn-off entity. - If you do not enable the optional entities the automation will skip these conditions. Optional entities: - Illuminance sensor (sensor in illuminance class) - Illuminance cutoff value (input_number) - Blocking entity (any entity with state on/off) - Time limit before (input_datetime) - Time limit after (input_datetime) - Turn off wait time (input_number defining amount in minutes) - Turn off entity (any entity_id that needs to be turned off after wait) domain: automation input: motion_sensor: name: Motion Sensor description: This sensor will trigger the turning on of the target entity. selector: entity: target_entity: name: Target entity. description: The light, switch, scene to turn on (or script to run) when the automation is triggered. selector: entity: illuminance_sensor: name: (OPTIONAL) Illuminance sensor description: This sensor will be used to determine the illumination. default: selector: entity: domain: sensor device_class: illuminance illuminance_cutoff: name: (OPTIONAL) Illuminance cutoff value description: This input_number will be used to compare to the current illumination to determine if it is low. default: selector: entity: domain: input_number blocker_entity: name: (OPTIONAL) Blocking entity description: If this entity's state is on, it will prevent the automation from running. E.g. sleepmode or away mode. default: selector: entity: time_limit_after: name: (OPTIONAL) Only run after time. description: Automation will only run when time is later than this input_datetime value. default: selector: entity: domain: input_datetime time_limit_before: name: (OPTIONAL) Only run before time. description: Automation will only run when time is earlier than this input_datetime value. default: selector: entity: domain: input_datetime no_motion_wait: name: (OPTIONAL) Turn off wait time (minutes) description: Time in minutes to leave the target entity on after last motion is detected. If not used entity will not auto turn off. default: selector: entity: domain: input_number turn_off_blocker_entity: name: (OPTIONAL) Turn-off Blocking entity description: If this entity's state is on, it will prevent the target entity from turning off after the set delay. default: selector: entity: target_off_entity: name: (OPTIONAL) Turn-off entity description: If defined, this entity will be turned off instead of the default target entity. This can be helpful when using target entities of type scene or script. default: selector: entity: mode: restart max_exceeded: silent variables: target_entity: !input target_entity illuminance_currently: !input illuminance_sensor illuminance_cutoff: !input illuminance_cutoff blocker_entity: !input blocker_entity time_limit_before: !input time_limit_before time_limit_after: !input time_limit_after no_motion_wait: !input no_motion_wait entity_domain: "{{ states[target_entity].domain }}" turn_off_blocker_entity: !input turn_off_blocker_entity target_off_entity: !input target_off_entity trigger: platform: state entity_id: !input motion_sensor to: 'on' condition: # First condition: When entity was already on because the automation ran recently, do not check illuminance because it could have increased above threshold because of a light that was just turned on. - condition: template value_template: > {% set illuminance_defined = illuminance_currently != none and illuminance_cutoff != none %} {% set illuminance_defined_and_low = (illuminance_defined and (states(illuminance_currently) | int(0) < states(illuminance_cutoff) | int(0))) %} {% set target_entity_domain_supports_on_state_check = entity_domain != 'scene' and entity_domain != 'script' %} {{ ( target_entity_domain_supports_on_state_check and states(target_entity) == 'on') or ( target_entity_domain_supports_on_state_check and states(target_entity) == 'off' and not illuminance_defined) or ( target_entity_domain_supports_on_state_check and states(target_entity) == 'off' and illuminance_defined_and_low) or ( not target_entity_domain_supports_on_state_check and illuminance_defined_and_low) or ( not target_entity_domain_supports_on_state_check and not illuminance_defined) }} - condition: template value_template: "{{ (blocker_entity == none) or (states(blocker_entity) == 'off') }}" - condition: template value_template: > {% set current_time = now().strftime("%H:%M") %} {% if time_limit_before == none and time_limit_after == none %} true {% endif %} {% if time_limit_before != none and time_limit_after == none %} {% set current_time_is_before_limit = current_time < states(time_limit_before) %} {{ current_time_is_before_limit }} {% elif time_limit_before == none and time_limit_after != none %} {% set current_time_is_after_limit = current_time > states(time_limit_after) %} {{ current_time_is_after_limit }} {% endif %} {% if time_limit_before != none and time_limit_after != none %} {% set before_limit_is_tomorrow = states(time_limit_before) < states(time_limit_after) %} {% set current_time_is_before_limit = current_time < states(time_limit_before) %} {% set current_time_is_after_limit = current_time > states(time_limit_after) %} {% set time_window_spans_midnight = states(time_limit_after) > states(time_limit_before) %} {% if time_window_spans_midnight != none and time_window_spans_midnight and before_limit_is_tomorrow %} {{ current_time_is_after_limit or current_time_is_before_limit }} {% elif time_window_spans_midnight != none and not time_window_spans_midnight %} {{ current_time_is_before_limit and current_time_is_after_limit }} {% endif %} {% endif %} action: - service: homeassistant.turn_on entity_id: !input target_entity - alias: "Check if blocker entity is defined and on" condition: template value_template: "{{ (turn_off_blocker_entity == none) or (states(turn_off_blocker_entity) == 'off') }}" - wait_for_trigger: platform: state entity_id: !input motion_sensor from: "on" to: "off" - choose: - alias: 'Motion wait not defined and target off entity not defined' conditions: - condition: template value_template: "{{ no_motion_wait == none and target_off_entity == none }}" sequence: - service: homeassistant.turn_off entity_id: !input target_entity - alias: 'Motion wait not defined and target off entity defined' conditions: - condition: template value_template: "{{ no_motion_wait == none and target_off_entity != none }}" sequence: - service: homeassistant.turn_off entity_id: !input target_off_entity - alias: 'Motion wait defined and target off entity not defined' conditions: - condition: template value_template: "{{ no_motion_wait != none and target_off_entity == none }}" sequence: - delay: minutes: '{{ states(no_motion_wait) | int(0) }}' - service: homeassistant.turn_off entity_id: !input target_entity - alias: 'Motion wait defined and target off entity defined' conditions: - condition: template value_template: "{{ no_motion_wait != none and target_off_entity != none }}" sequence: - delay: minutes: '{{ states(no_motion_wait) | int(0) }}' - service: homeassistant.turn_off entity_id: !input target_off_entity
5. Notify or Do Something When an Appliance Finishes
When an appliance, like a dishwasher or washing machine, has finished operating, this blueprint will start a series of user-defined actions.
For completing detection, a power sensor is employed. First a check happens to make sure that the device has been initiated by crossing a specific power threshold for a predetermined period of time.
In order to prevent the action from being triggered at startup or after reloading automations, this is necessary. The appliance is then determined to be finished by patiently waiting until it drops below a specific power level.
You can freely select which actions, such as push notifications or TTS announcements, Google Home will be carried out.
Github Gist:
Guide / Community Discussion:
blueprint: name: Appliance has finished description: Do something when an appliance (like a washing machine or dishwasher) has finished as detected by a power sensor. domain: automation input: power_sensor: name: Power Sensor description: Power sensor entity (e.g. from a smart plug device). selector: entity: domain: sensor starting_threshold: name: Starting power threshold description: Power threshold above which we assume the appliance has started. default: 5 selector: number: min: 1.0 max: 100.0 unit_of_measurement: W mode: slider step: 1.0 starting_hysteresis: name: Starting hysteresis description: Time duration the power measurement has to stay above the starting power threshold. default: 5 selector: number: min: 0.25 max: 60.0 unit_of_measurement: min mode: slider step: 0.25 finishing_threshold: name: Finishing power threshold description: Power threshold below which we assume the appliance has finished. default: 5 selector: number: min: 1.0 max: 100.0 unit_of_measurement: W mode: slider step: 1.0 finishing_hysteresis: name: Finishing hysteresis description: Time duration the power measurement has to stay below the finishing power threshold. default: 5 selector: number: min: 0.25 max: 60.0 unit_of_measurement: min mode: slider step: 0.25 actions: name: Actions description: Actions (e.g. pushing a notification, TTS announcement, ...) selector: action: {} pre_actions: name: Actions description: Actions when starting threshhold is crossed selector: action: {} source_url: trigger: - platform: numeric_state entity_id: !input 'power_sensor' for: minutes: !input 'starting_hysteresis' above: !input 'starting_threshold' condition: [] action: - choose: [] default: !input 'pre_actions' - wait_for_trigger: - platform: numeric_state entity_id: !input 'power_sensor' below: !input 'finishing_threshold' for: minutes: !input 'finishing_hysteresis' - choose: [] default: !input 'actions' mode: single max_exceeded: silent
6. Ikea Five Button Remote for Lights
This is a blueprint for the round, five-button IKEA remotes, specifically the ZHA.
It was made specifically to be used with any lights, because the template for the fundamental light controls has already been mapped.
The central “on” button turns on/off the lights at the previously selected brightness (unless the force brightness is toggled on in the blueprint).
The brightness may be adjusted smoothly using the dim up/down buttons, which can be pressed and held until the desired brightness is achieved.
Both short and long button presses can be assigned to the “left” and “right” buttons. This enables you to assign anything, such as a scene.
Guide / Community Discussion:
blueprint: name: ZHA - IKEA five button remote for lights description: | Control lights with an IKEA five button remote (the round ones). The middle "on" button, toggle the lights on/off to the last set brightness (unless the force brightness is toggled on in the blueprint). Dim up/down buttons will change the brightness smoothly and can be pressed and hold until the brightness is satisfactory. The "left" and "right" buttons can be assigned to a short and long button press action. This allows you to assign, e.g., a scene or anything else. domain: automation input: remote: name: Remote description: IKEA remote to use selector: device: integration: zha manufacturer: IKEA of Sweden model: TRADFRI remote control light: name: Light(s) description: The light(s) to control selector: target: entity: domain: light force_brightness: name: Force turn on brightness description: > Force the brightness to the set level below, when the "on" button on the remote is pushed and lights turn on. default: false selector: boolean: brightness: name: Brightness description: Brightness of the light(s) when turning on default: 50 selector: number: min: 0 max: 100 mode: slider step: 1 unit_of_measurement: "%" button_left_short: name: Left button - short press description: Action to run on short left button press default: [] selector: action: button_left_long: name: Left button - long press description: Action to run on long left button press default: [] selector: action: button_right_short: name: Right button - short press description: Action to run on short right button press default: [] selector: action: button_right_long: name: Right button - long press description: Action to run on long right button press default: [] selector: action: mode: restart max_exceeded: silent variables: force_brightness: !input force_brightness trigger: - platform: event event_type: zha_event event_data: device_id: !input remote action: - variables: command: "{{ }}" cluster_id: "{{ }}" endpoint_id: "{{ }}" args: "{{ }}" - choose: - conditions: - "{{ command == 'toggle' }}" - "{{ cluster_id == 6 }}" - "{{ endpoint_id == 1 }}" sequence: - choose: - conditions: "{{ force_brightness }}" sequence: - service: light.toggle target: !input light data: transition: 1 brightness_pct: !input brightness default: - service: light.toggle target: !input light data: transition: 1 - conditions: - "{{ command == 'step_with_on_off' }}" - "{{ cluster_id == 8 }}" - "{{ endpoint_id == 1 }}" - "{{ args == [0, 43, 5] }}" sequence: - service: light.turn_on target: !input light data: brightness_step_pct: 10 transition: 1 - conditions: - "{{ command == 'move_with_on_off' }}" - "{{ cluster_id == 8 }}" - "{{ endpoint_id == 1 }}" - "{{ args == [0, 84] }}" sequence: - repeat: count: 10 sequence: - service: light.turn_on target: !input light data: brightness_step_pct: 10 transition: 1 - delay: 1 - conditions: - "{{ command == 'step' }}" - "{{ cluster_id == 8 }}" - "{{ endpoint_id == 1 }}" - "{{ args == [1, 43, 5] }}" sequence: - service: light.turn_on target: !input light data: brightness_step_pct: -10 transition: 1 - conditions: - "{{ command == 'move' }}" - "{{ cluster_id == 8 }}" - "{{ endpoint_id == 1 }}" - "{{ args == [1, 84] }}" sequence: - repeat: count: 10 sequence: - service: light.turn_on target: !input light data: brightness_step_pct: -10 transition: 1 - delay: 1 - conditions: - "{{ command == 'press' }}" - "{{ cluster_id == 5 }}" - "{{ endpoint_id == 1 }}" - "{{ args == [257, 13, 0] }}" sequence: !input button_left_short - conditions: - "{{ command == 'hold' }}" - "{{ cluster_id == 5 }}" - "{{ endpoint_id == 1 }}" - "{{ args == [3329, 0] }}" sequence: !input button_left_long - conditions: - "{{ command == 'press' }}" - "{{ cluster_id == 5 }}" - "{{ endpoint_id == 1 }}" - "{{ args == [256, 13, 0] }}" sequence: !input button_right_short - conditions: - "{{ command == 'hold' }}" - "{{ cluster_id == 5 }}" - "{{ endpoint_id == 1 }}" - "{{ args == [3328, 0] }}" sequence: !input button_right_long
7. Cast and Re-Cast a Lovelace View to a Google Hub
When the Google Hub is not playing anything, this blueprint casts a lovelace view to it (or any Chromecast device, for that matter).
To make up for the fact that the hub automatically switches to picture frame mode after 10 minutes, it recasts the same view every nine minutes.
You must have the Lovelace Cast setup for this to work:
- Setup HTTPS on your Home Assistant installation.
- Ensure that your Home Assistant is reachable through HTTPS on the internet and that Configuration -> General is operational (the external URL)
- Authenticate on to set up the lovelace casting.
Guide / Community Discussion:
blueprint: name: Cast to Google Hub description: 'Cast a lovelace view to a Google Hub. This tries to bypass the 10 min timeout for the picture frame by re-casting every 9 min' domain: automation input: player: name: Google Hub description: Google Hub or Chromecast device to cast to selector: entity: integration: cast view: name: Lovelace view path description: Path of the view to cast. A path has to be defined in your Lovelace YAML for each view, as outlined in the views documentation. dashboard: name: Lovelace dashboard description: Path to lovelace. Defaults to 'lovelace' if empty. default: 'lovelace' trigger: - platform: state entity_id: !input 'player' to: 'off' for: 00:00:20 - platform: state entity_id: !input 'player' to: paused for: 00:00:20 - platform: time_pattern minutes: '/9' - platform: time_pattern minutes: '0' action: - choose: - conditions: - condition: or conditions: - condition: state entity_id: !input 'player' state: 'off' - condition: state entity_id: !input 'player' state: 'paused' for: 00:00:20 sequence: - service: media_player.volume_mute data: is_volume_muted: true entity_id: !input 'player' - service: media_player.turn_off data: entity_id: !input 'player' - delay: seconds: 2 - service: media_player.turn_on data: entity_id: !input 'player' - service: cast.show_lovelace_view data: view_path: !input 'view' dashboard_path: !input 'dashboard' entity_id: !input 'player' - service: cast.show_lovelace_view data: view_path: !input 'view' dashboard_path: !input 'dashboard' entity_id: !input 'player' - delay: seconds: 10 - service: media_player.volume_mute data: is_volume_muted: false entity_id: !input 'player'
8. Frigate Mobile App Notifications
Frigate is a comprehensive local Network Video Recorder (NVR) with AI object detection created for Home Assistant. carries out real-time object detection locally for IP cameras using OpenCV and Tensorflow.
When a Frigate event for the chosen camera fires, this blueprint will notify your device.

The notification will initially only provide a thumbnail of the detection; however, it will thereafter contain clickable alerts that let you see the saved clip or picture when it becomes available or silence the notification for a certain period of time.
Github Gist:
Guide / Community Discussion:
blueprint: name: Frigate Notification (0.10.0) description: | ## Frigate Mobile App Notification This blueprint will send a notification to your device when a Frigate event for the selected camera is fired. The notification will initially include the thumbnail of the detection, but include an actionable notification allowing you to view the clip and snapshot. With this blueprint, you may send the notification to multiple devices by leaving "Device" blank and instead use a [notification group][1]. ### Software Version Requirements Minimum Home Assistant Version: 2022.2 Minimum Frigate Version: 0.10.0 Beta 10 Minimum Frigate Integration Version: 2.2.0 Minimum iOS Version: 15.0 ### Required entities: - Frigate Camera Name - Mobile App Device **or** the name of a Notification Group ### Optional features: - You can optionally send the notification as a critical alert. - You can choose whether or not to update the notification with new thumbnails as they become available. - You can limit notifications to objects entering pre-defined [zones][2] in Frigate. - You can specify which [zones][2] to be notified about. This must be a list (e.g.): ```yaml - backyard ``` - You can specify what type of [objects][3] to be notified about. This must be a list (e.g.): ```yaml - person - car ``` - You can disable notifications if a presence entity or group is "home". - You can configure a cooldown for the camera to reduce the number of notifications when back-to-back events occur. - You can silence future notifications for a defined amount of time through actionable notifications. This is helpful in situations where you know you will be triggering detections for an extended period of time. i.e. kids playing outside. - You can set a loitering timer to notify you of stationary objects that remain for a set period of time. [1]: [2]: [3]: domain: automation source_url: input: camera: name: Frigate Camera description: The name of the camera as defined in your frigate configuration. notify_device: name: Device description: The device must run the official Home Assistant app to receive notifications. default: false selector: device: integration: mobile_app notify_group: name: Notification Group description: The name of the notification group to call. default: "" base_url: name: (Optional) Base URL description: > The external url for your Home Assistant instance. This will default to a relative URL and will open the clips in the app instead of the browser, which does not work well on iOS. default: "" critical: name: (Optional) Critical Notification description: Send as a critical notification to the mobile device. default: false selector: boolean: update_thumbnail: name: (Optional) Update Thumbnail description: Update notification if a new "better" thumbnail is available. default: false selector: boolean: zone_filter: name: (Optional) Zone Filter description: Only notify if object has entered a defined zone. default: false selector: boolean: zones: name: (Optional) Trigger Zones description: A list (-) of zones you wish to recieve notifications for. default: [] selector: object: labels: name: (Optional) Trigger Objects description: A list (-) of objects you wish to recieve notifications for. default: [] selector: object: presence_filter: name: (Optional) Presence Filter description: Only notify if selected presence entity is not "home". default: "" selector: entity: cooldown: name: (Optional) Cooldown description: Delay before sending another notification for this camera after the last event. default: 30 selector: number: max: 300 min: 0 unit_of_measurement: seconds silence_timer: name: (Optional) Silence New Object Notifications description: > How long to silence notifications for this camera when requested as part of the actionable notification. Note: This only applies to new objects. Existing tracked objects default: 30 selector: number: max: 300 min: 0 unit_of_measurement: minutes loiter_timer: name: (Optional) Loitering Notifications description: > Sends new loitering notification if a stationary object is detected for longer than the specified time. 0 is off and will not send notifications. default: 0 selector: number: max: 300 min: 0 unit_of_measurement: minutes mode: parallel trigger_variables: camera: !input camera trigger: - platform: event event_type: mobile_app_notification_action event_data: action: 'silence-{{ camera }}' id: silence - platform: mqtt topic: frigate/events payload: "{{ camera }}/new" value_template: "{{ value_json['after']['camera'] }}/{{ value_json['type']}}" id: frigate-event variables: camera: !input camera camera_name: "{{ camera | replace('_', ' ') | title }}" base_url: !input base_url critical: !input critical update_thumbnail: !input update_thumbnail group_target: !input notify_group zone_only: !input zone_filter input_zones: !input zones zones: "{{ input_zones | list }}" input_labels: !input labels labels: "{{ input_labels | list }}" presence_entity: !input presence_filter cooldown: !input cooldown loiter_timer: !input loiter_timer fps_value: "{{ states('sensor.' + camera + '_camera_fps') }}" fps: "{{ fps_value|int if is_number(fps_value) or 5 }}" action: - choose: - alias: "Silence New Object Notifications" conditions: - condition: trigger id: silence sequence: - service: automation.turn_off target: entity_id: "{{ this.entity_id }}" data: stop_actions: false - delay: minutes: !input silence_timer - service: automation.turn_on target: entity_id: "{{ this.entity_id }}" - alias: "Frigate Event" conditions: - condition: trigger id: "frigate-event" - "{{ is_state(this.entity_id, 'on') }}" - "{{ not this.attributes.last_triggered or (now() - this.attributes.last_triggered).seconds > cooldown }}" sequence: - variables: id: "{{ trigger.payload_json['after']['id'] }}" object: "{{ trigger.payload_json['after']['label'] }}" label: "{{ object | title }}" # Dynamic Variables per event initial_home: "{{ presence_entity != '' and is_state(presence_entity, 'home') }}" initial_entered_zones: "{{ trigger.payload_json['after']['entered_zones'] }}" - alias: "Notifications enabled for object label" condition: template value_template: "{{ not labels|length or object in labels }}" - alias: "Notify on new object" choose: - conditions: - "{{ not zone_only or initial_entered_zones|length > 0 }}" - "{{ not zones|length or zones|select('in', initial_entered_zones)|list|length > 0 }}" - "{{ not initial_home }}" sequence: - choose: - conditions: "{{ not group_target }}" sequence: - device_id: !input notify_device domain: mobile_app type: notify message: "A {{ label }} was detected on the {{ camera_name }} camera." data: tag: "{{ id }}" group: "frigate-notification-{{ camera }}" # Android Specific image: "/api/frigate/notifications/{{id}}/thumbnail.jpg?format=android" clickAction: "{{base_url}}/api/frigate/notifications/{{id}}/{{camera}}/clip.mp4" ttl: "{{ iif(critical, 0, 3600000) }}" priority: "{{ iif(critical, 'high', 'normal') }}" # iOS Specific url: "{{base_url}}/api/frigate/notifications/{{id}}/{{camera}}/clip.mp4" attachment: url: "/api/frigate/notifications/{{id}}/thumbnail.jpg" push: interruption-level: "{{ iif(critical, 'critical', 'active') }}" # Actions actions: - action: URI title: View Clip uri: "{{base_url}}/api/frigate/notifications/{{id}}/{{camera}}/clip.mp4" - action: URI title: View Snapshot uri: "{{base_url}}/api/frigate/notifications/{{id}}/snapshot.jpg" - action: "silence-{{ camera }}" title: Silence New Notifications destructive: true default: - service: "notify.{{ group_target }}" data: message: "A {{ label }} was detected on the {{ camera_name }} camera." data: tag: "{{ id }}" group: "frigate-notification-{{ camera }}" # Android Specific image: "/api/frigate/notifications/{{id}}/thumbnail.jpg?format=android" clickAction: "{{base_url}}/api/frigate/notifications/{{id}}/{{camera}}/clip.mp4" ttl: "{{ iif(critical, 0, 3600000) }}" priority: "{{ iif(critical, 'high', 'normal') }}" # iOS Specific url: "{{base_url}}/api/frigate/notifications/{{id}}/{{camera}}/clip.mp4" attachment: url: "/api/frigate/notifications/{{id}}/thumbnail.jpg" push: interruption-level: "{{ iif(critical, 'critical', 'active') }}" # Actions actions: - action: URI title: View Clip uri: "{{base_url}}/api/frigate/notifications/{{id}}/{{camera}}/clip.mp4" - action: URI title: View Snapshot uri: "{{base_url}}/api/frigate/notifications/{{id}}/snapshot.jpg" - action: "silence-{{ camera }}" title: Silence New Notifications destructive: true - repeat: sequence: - wait_for_trigger: - platform: mqtt topic: frigate/events payload: "{{ id }}" value_template: "{{ value_json['after']['id'] }}" timeout: minutes: 2 continue_on_timeout: false - variables: event: "{{ wait.trigger.payload_json }}" loitering: "{{ loiter_timer and event['before']['motionless_count']/fps/60 < loiter_timer and event['after']['motionless_count']/fps/60 >= loiter_timer }}" new_snapshot: "{{ update_thumbnail and event['before']['snapshot_time'] != event['after']['snapshot_time'] }}" home: "{{ presence_entity != '' and is_state(presence_entity, 'home') }}" presence_changed: "{{ presence_entity != '' and as_datetime(event['before']['frame_time']) < states[presence_entity].last_changed }}" last_zones: "{{ event['before']['entered_zones'] }}" entered_zones: "{{ event['after']['entered_zones'] }}" zone_filter: "{{ not zone_only or entered_zones|length > 0 }}" stationary_moved: "{{ event['after']['position_changes'] > event['before']['position_changes'] }}" zone_only_changed: "{{ zone_only and (entered_zones|length > 0 and not last_zones|length) }}" entered_zones_changed: "{{ zones|length > 0 and (zones|select('in', entered_zones)|list|length > 0 and not zones|select('in', last_zones)|list|length) }}" update: "{{ new_snapshot and not loitering and not presence_changed and not zone_only_changed and not entered_zones_changed }}" - alias: "Notify on loitering or significant change" choose: - conditions: "{{ loitering or (not home and zone_filter and (new_snapshot or presence_changed or stationary_moved or zone_only_changed or entered_zones_changed)) }}" sequence: - choose: - conditions: "{{ not group_target }}" sequence: - device_id: !input notify_device domain: mobile_app type: notify message: "A {{ label }} {{ 'is loitering' if loitering else 'was detected' }} on the {{ camera_name }} camera." data: tag: "{{ id }}{{'-loitering' if loitering}}" group: "frigate-notification-{{ camera }}{{'-loitering' if loitering}}" # Android Specific image: "/api/frigate/notifications/{{id}}/thumbnail.jpg?format=android" clickAction: "{{base_url}}/api/frigate/notifications/{{id}}/{{camera}}/clip.mp4" ttl: "{{ iif(critical, 0, 3600000) }}" priority: "{{ iif(critical, 'high', 'normal') }}" # iOS Specific url: "{{base_url}}/api/frigate/notifications/{{id}}/{{camera}}/clip.mp4" attachment: url: "/api/frigate/notifications/{{id}}/thumbnail.jpg" sound: "{{ iif(update, 'none', 'default') }}" push: interruption-level: "{{ iif(critical, 'critical', 'active') }}" # Actions actions: - action: URI title: View Clip uri: "{{base_url}}/api/frigate/notifications/{{id}}/{{camera}}/clip.mp4" - action: URI title: View Snapshot uri: "{{base_url}}/api/frigate/notifications/{{id}}/snapshot.jpg" - action: "silence-{{ camera }}" title: Silence New Notifications destructive: true default: - service: "notify.{{ group_target }}" data: message: "A {{ label }} {{ 'is loitering' if loitering else 'was detected' }} on the {{ camera_name }} camera." data: tag: "{{ id }}{{'-loitering' if loitering}}" group: "frigate-notification-{{ camera }}{{'-loitering' if loitering}}" # Android Specific image: "/api/frigate/notifications/{{id}}/thumbnail.jpg?format=android" clickAction: "{{base_url}}/api/frigate/notifications/{{id}}/{{camera}}/clip.mp4" ttl: "{{ iif(critical, 0, 3600000) }}" priority: "{{ iif(critical, 'high', 'normal') }}" # iOS Specific url: "{{base_url}}/api/frigate/notifications/{{id}}/{{camera}}/clip.mp4" attachment: url: "/api/frigate/notifications/{{id}}/thumbnail.jpg" sound: "{{ iif(update, 'none', 'default') }}" push: interruption-level: "{{ iif(critical, 'critical', 'active') }}" # Actions actions: - action: URI title: View Clip uri: "{{base_url}}/api/frigate/notifications/{{id}}/{{camera}}/clip.mp4" - action: URI title: View Snapshot uri: "{{base_url}}/api/frigate/notifications/{{id}}/snapshot.jpg" - action: "silence-{{ camera }}" title: Silence New Notifications destructive: true until: "{{ not wait.trigger or wait.trigger.payload_json['type'] == 'end' }}"
9. Create Automated Backups Every Day
This is another simple yet very useful blueprint. It is never a bad idea to create backups!
A daily automated backup will be created using this automation blueprint, and it also has the ability to notify the official Home Assistant mobile app.
Guide / Community Discussion:
blueprint: name: Automated Daily Snapshot description: Create a full snapshot backup at a given time every day. domain: automation input: trigger_time: name: Snapshot creation time description: The snapshot will be created at this time, every day selector: time: send_notification: name: Send notification description: Sends a notification to a device if enabled selector: boolean: default: false notify_device: name: Device to notify description: Device needs to run the official Home Assistant app to receive notifications selector: device: integration: mobile_app default: "" mode: single max_exceeded: silent variables: backup_filename: "Automated backup {{ now().strftime('%F') }}" send_notification: !input send_notification notify_device: !input notify_device notification_title: Automated Daily Backup notification_message: "Home Assistant full backup created. {{ now().strftime('%F') }}" trigger: - platform: time at: !input trigger_time action: - service: hassio.snapshot_full data: name: "{{ backup_filename }}" - choose: - conditions: "{{ send_notification }}" sequence: - device_id: !input notify_device domain: mobile_app type: notify title: "{{ notification_title }}" message: "{{ notification_message }}"
10. Vacation Lighting – Replay Historical Lighting
This is a very interesting blueprint for repeating the lighting actions from the previous week. The idea being that it can create the illusion that you are still home whilst on vacation.
A “history stats” sensor should be created for each light that will be regulated as part of your vacation/away lighting in order to monitor historical behavior.
The blueprint associates each “history stats” sensor with a respective light entity before replaying the on/off action in response to changes in the sensor’s state.
If enabled for more than one week, the same behavior is replayed.
- Vacation mode input_boolean
An input boolean is used as the on/off condition of the blueprint - Controls up to 10 Lights
This blueprint controls up to (10) lights. Home assistant doesn’t like blank !input variables, so for fewer than (10) lights, a dummy sensor can be used as placeholders for those entities - Controls light or switch entities
- Default Brightness
A default brightness of 50 is used and can be adjusted as an input when turning on light entities.
- Default Brightness
Recorder Integration:
- Needs to be set to keep data longer than 7 days or the history stats sensors need to be set to pull data for no longer ago than the recorder is keeping data.
########## # Input Boolean ########## input_boolean: # Vacation Mode Toggle: Used as the condition for vacation lighting blueprint vacation_mode: name: Vacation Mode icon: mdi:beach
########## # Sensors ########## sensor: # Replay Sensor - Make a new one for each light to monitor # All sensors will have naming convention "sensor.replay_xxxxx" - platform: history_stats name: "replay_office_lamp" entity_id: light.office_lamp state: "on" type: count start: > {{ as_timestamp(now()) - (7*86400) }} duration: 00:00:30
Guide / Community Discussion:
blueprint: name: Blueprint - Vacation Lighting description: Vacation Lighting - Replay Sensors to Light Behavior domain: automation input: vacation_mode_toggle: name: Vacation Mode - Input Boolean selector: entity: domain: input_boolean default_brightness: name: Default Brightness default: 50 selector: number: min: 1 max: 100 unit_of_measurement: "%" mode: slider replay_sensor_1: name: Replay Sensor (1) selector: entity: domain: sensor light_target_1: name: Light Target (1) selector: entity: replay_sensor_2: name: Replay Sensor (2) selector: entity: domain: sensor light_target_2: name: Light Target (2) selector: entity: replay_sensor_3: name: Replay Sensor (3) selector: entity: domain: sensor light_target_3: name: Light Target (3) selector: entity: replay_sensor_4: name: Replay Sensor (4) selector: entity: domain: sensor light_target_4: name: Light Target (4) selector: entity: replay_sensor_5: name: Replay Sensor (5) selector: entity: domain: sensor light_target_5: name: Light Target (5) selector: entity: replay_sensor_6: name: Replay Sensor (6) selector: entity: domain: sensor light_target_6: name: Light Target (6) selector: entity: replay_sensor_7: name: Replay Sensor (7) selector: entity: domain: sensor light_target_7: name: Light Target (7) selector: entity: replay_sensor_8: name: Replay Sensor (8) selector: entity: domain: sensor light_target_8: name: Light Target (8) selector: entity: replay_sensor_9: name: Replay Sensor (9) selector: entity: domain: sensor light_target_9: name: Light Target (9) selector: entity: replay_sensor_10: name: Replay Sensor (10) selector: entity: domain: sensor light_target_10: name: Light Target (10) selector: entity: # Declare blueprint inputs as variables for use in {{templates}} variables: replay_sensor_1: !input replay_sensor_1 light_target_1: !input light_target_1 replay_sensor_2: !input replay_sensor_2 light_target_2: !input light_target_2 replay_sensor_3: !input replay_sensor_3 light_target_3: !input light_target_3 replay_sensor_4: !input replay_sensor_4 light_target_4: !input light_target_4 replay_sensor_5: !input replay_sensor_5 light_target_5: !input light_target_5 replay_sensor_6: !input replay_sensor_6 light_target_6: !input light_target_6 replay_sensor_7: !input replay_sensor_7 light_target_7: !input light_target_7 replay_sensor_8: !input replay_sensor_8 light_target_8: !input light_target_8 replay_sensor_9: !input replay_sensor_9 light_target_9: !input light_target_9 replay_sensor_10: !input replay_sensor_10 light_target_10: !input light_target_10 # Automation Mode - Parallel mode: parallel # Trigger when replay sensor changes state trigger: - platform: state entity_id: !input replay_sensor_1 - platform: state entity_id: !input replay_sensor_2 - platform: state entity_id: !input replay_sensor_3 - platform: state entity_id: !input replay_sensor_4 - platform: state entity_id: !input replay_sensor_5 - platform: state entity_id: !input replay_sensor_6 - platform: state entity_id: !input replay_sensor_7 - platform: state entity_id: !input replay_sensor_8 - platform: state entity_id: !input replay_sensor_9 - platform: state entity_id: !input replay_sensor_10 # As long as Vacation Mode is on condition: - condition: state entity_id: !input vacation_mode_toggle state: 'on' action: - variables: corresponding_light: > {% if trigger.entity_id == replay_sensor_1 %} {{ light_target_1 }} {% elif trigger.entity_id == replay_sensor_2 %} {{ light_target_2 }} {% elif trigger.entity_id == replay_sensor_3 %} {{ light_target_3 }} {% elif trigger.entity_id == replay_sensor_4 %} {{ light_target_4 }} {% elif trigger.entity_id == replay_sensor_5 %} {{ light_target_5 }} {% elif trigger.entity_id == replay_sensor_6 %} {{ light_target_6 }} {% elif trigger.entity_id == replay_sensor_7 %} {{ light_target_7 }} {% elif trigger.entity_id == replay_sensor_8 %} {{ light_target_8 }} {% elif trigger.entity_id == replay_sensor_9 %} {{ light_target_9 }} {% elif trigger.entity_id == replay_sensor_10 %} {{ light_target_10 }} {% endif %} - choose: # Replay turned on && entity_id is "LIGHT" - conditions: condition: and conditions: - condition: template value_template: '{{ trigger.to_state.state == "1" }}' - condition: template value_template: '{{ corresponding_light.split(".")[0] == "light" }}' sequence: - service: light.turn_on data: entity_id: '{{ corresponding_light }}' brightness_pct: !input default_brightness - service: system_log.write data: message: 'Vacation - Replay Lighting (Blueprint): {{trigger.to_state.entity_id}}: turning on: {{ corresponding_light }}' level: info # Replay turned on && entity_id is "SWITCH" - conditions: condition: and conditions: - condition: template value_template: '{{ trigger.to_state.state == "1" }}' - condition: template value_template: '{{ corresponding_light.split(".")[0] == "switch" }}' sequence: - service: switch.turn_on data: entity_id: '{{ corresponding_light }}' - service: system_log.write data: message: 'Vacation - Replay Lighting (Blueprint): {{trigger.to_state.entity_id}}: turning on:{{ corresponding_light }}' level: info # Replay turned off - conditions: condition: and conditions: - condition: template value_template: '{{ trigger.to_state.state == "0" }}' sequence: - service: homeassistant.turn_off data: entity_id: '{{ corresponding_light }}' - service: system_log.write data: message: 'Vacation - Replay Lighting (Blueprint): {{trigger.to_state.entity_id}}: turning off:{{ corresponding_light }}' level: info
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